Battle of Trump and Michael Flynn in America because of Russia

Battle of Trump and Michael Flynn in America because of Russia
The case of Russia’s intervention in the presidential elections marked a significant development on Friday, when the court brought Michael Flynn, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, to lie to the FBI investigators and pleaded guilty to the case.
On this occasion, will give you information about Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, whom the American judiciary accuses of lying.
Michael Flynn
“Born in December 1958, he held many military positions, most recently as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency since July 2012, until 2014.”
Michael Flynn
“He earned the rank of general (3 stars), he also played a high intelligence role in the Iraq war, and the war in Afghanistan.”
Michael Flynn
“He was appointed by Donald Trump, head of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, on January 20, 2017.”
Michael Flynn
“The former general adopted a sharp speech during the election campaign, calling for the” imprisonment “of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
Michael Flynn
“On February 14, 2017, less than a month after his appointment, the White House announced its resignation after a communications scandal with Russia.
Michael Flynn
“Flynn was accused of discussing US sanctions with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office.
Michael Flynn
General Flynn is the fourth person from circles close to the US president, Donald Trump, who is accused by Attorney General Robert Mueller after Paul Manavort, former director of the Trump campaign.”
Michael Flynn
“The former general was an adviser to President Trump and not a member of the US administration when the facts he was accused of took place and later became only a few weeks later the national security adviser to the president.”